The Overseas Lawyers Qualification Examination (OLQE) Preparatory Courses 2013
Amanda Whitfort
Associate Professor, Department of Professional Legal Education, The University of Hong Kong; Barrister of the High Court of Hong Kong; Barrister and Solicitor of the Supteme Court of Victoria and the High Court of Australia;
Amanda is an Associate Professor in the Department of Professional Legal Education where she has led the Criminal Litigation course on The University of Hong Kong's Postgraduate Certificate of Laws for 12 years. She has also taught Professional Practice, Civil Litigation, and Advocacy, both the University of Hong Kong and at the City University of Hong Kong.
She has extensive experience in trial prosecution in Australia where she is admitted to practice as a barrister and solicitor in the Supreme Court of Victoria and the High Court of Australia. In 2005 she was the first local candiate to pass the Hong Kong Bar Association's Qualification Examinations.
She is currently a parctising member of the Hong Kong Bar and a preosecutor on fiat for the Department of Justice in Hong Kong. In 2001 she was awarded the University of London's Convocation Trust Brigid Cotter prize for obtaining the highest aggregate on the external LLM programme.
She is currently chief examiner for The Law Society of Hong Kong's Overseas Lawyer's Qualification Examinations in Criminal Procedure (Head II) and was previously an examiner in Professional Conduct (Head IV), for seven years.
Her research interests include criminal justice and administration, environmental law (incuding animal law), and PRC criminal law and procedure.